This is the most emotionally draining period my partner and I have faced. I pray this is the last.
It’s almost beyond our control. No, It’s not a case of fighting each other — in fact, this current situation has made us even closer. Everyday we talk about how we just want be in each other’s faces (her head on my chest. Me want!🥺🥵) and if we’re bored — we’d act our own version of Malcom and Marie.
This situation is — finances related. It hurts me because I can’t help in anyway, even though I want to.
How she’s still able to put on a smile in the middle of a financial-Pandemic that has humbled us to asking for help and getting treated like the average nigerian-house-helps.
I know this phase will pass, we’d look back and laugh about it.
On a brighter note, we officially launching this voice pollution thing your friends call “podcast”.
We’d name it “1 Minute, Please?”. And from the name you already know the recordings won’t be more than a minute (just like the audio attached to this diary).
Who’s going to be doing the talking? You and I.
How? — leave that for me to take care of. Just be ever ready because i can call on YOU at anytime.
My partner would probably be the first. I’ll love her to share how she’s navigating this tough phase.
I hope I can always have your 1 Minute, Please?
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