I set an alarm for WORK and it went off
And some excuses you can give your manager so you can skip work. If you want?
I’m sure by now, my phone feels sorry for me each time I have to get out of bed every morning to catch that bus.
Every morning at 5 AM, my freaking iPhone screams out loud. And every morning, I find myself wishing it never had. Does it have to? Why is this alarm so insensitive to me? Why can’t it understand the struggles of someone who goes to bed late because he can’t resist the urge to watch the NBA Playoffs past midnight?
The first struggle is simply getting up. The temptation to hit snooze and return to the land of dreams is almost overwhelming. But I know that giving in means looking for what lie to tell my Supervisor this time. Because last I checked, I have run out of lies:
“There's a sudden plumbing issue at my house. My house is flooded. Thanks to Steve Jobs, I use a water-resistant phone.”
“I was purging and vomiting all night; I think I’m pregnant.”
“My car broke down on the way to work, and I’m waiting for the tow truck."
Meanwhile, I don’t even have a car. Sigh!
After feeling guilty for snoozing at least five times, I get out of bed, or else I risk NOT catching the bus. As I brush my teeth, I can't help but fantasize about the weekend when the alarm will stay silent.
Next up is the race against time. I dress quickly, pack my food for lunch, and ensure I have everything I need for the day. The clock seems to tick faster when I’m going to work than when I’m at work.
Then there's the long, dreaded walk to catch the bus through the pre-dawn darkness, chilly air, quiet streets, and the dim streetlights that all scream LONELINESS. When the bus finally arrives, I jump in before it hits STOP like I’ve been waiting for it all my life.
The bus ride is always far from comfortable as fellow commuters are sardined between each other. It’s a true test of patience and endurance that I hope to pass with flying colours.
We get to a bus-stop to pick a passenger. This person walks in, and they’re wearing a t-shirt, which catches my eye. The front of the shirt reads, "I set an alarm for WORK,"

At this point, my curiosity burst through the roof of the bus (since we could all use some air in there). As this person turned to take the seat in front of me, the back of the shirt read “…AND it went off 😢."

OMG!! I felt seeeeeeen!!
I can’t help but burst into laughter and make a comment about the shirt. It wasn’t long before the conversations went into rants about how we hated commuting to work and, of course—some new lies to tell our bosses when we can’t make it to work.
"There's a power outage in my area, and I can't locate the door" 😉 😉
So, each morning, when the alarm goes off, I remind myself that I'm not alone in this struggle. Thousands of people face the same daily challenges, and we all keep going. And maybe, just maybe, the alarm will ring one day, and I'll greet it with a smile.
Wearing a t-shirt with a witty message like “I set an alarm for WORK, and it went off” showcases your sense of humour and invites people to engage with you, offering a glimpse into your personality and creating opportunities for a connection. A connection that reminds me that I'm Not Alone in this struggle. Thousands of people face the same challenges every day, we all manage to keep going, and rocking t-shirts while at it.
Speaking of alarms, why do we hit the snooze button like it will change the fact that we still have to get up eventually?
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How did the “I think I’m pregnant” lie not work😂😂😂 you’ve got some cold hearted bosses Tobi.
I splurge on an app store song purchase and change the usual anxiety-filled alarm buzz with my favorite song at the moment. Something about my jam waking me up always gives me a good start to the day.