jollof-write & chill
opening your eyes in the morning, only to get a “hey bro, I can’t do this anymore” text from the one who you thought would be the one is probably the coldest breakfast in bed ever? 💔
it’s not even the breakup that pierced your heart but it’s how you went from “cupcake”, “onion chicken”, “honeybee”, “backbone” to “bro”. 😞
my condolences to you “bro” and I really hope you raise the money for your broken backbone.
pending when you can walk again, I hope this weekly Jollof-Write fills in temporarily as your partner?
As I said, you just never know what you’ll get served.
you never know things you’ll get served in your inbox (but I hope for your reading-experience sake it’s not making you purge).
and that’s the thing about the internet. It’s like a tennis match. You hit the ball (as you hit publish) but you don’t know what’ll come back at you.
that’s exactly the unexpected outcome I got on Linkedin when I served my annoyance about most stuff we read (with a sprinkle of self-promotion):
when the internet returned the ball, it hit my face, and left me wondering how I didn’t see it coming:
“Jollof-write and chill” ? 😲
Maybe it’ll never be on dating sites—but I hope we get to a point where couples read this Jollof-Write together and chill (not that one😒).
you never know what’ll happen when you put stuff on the internet. It’s one of the points you gain (in form of feedback like this), as you play.
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Thanks, Sheena. For always being one of the first in line for Jollof-Write!
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