it’s a new month?
When a new month hits,
It’s expected you climb the roof of your house at 12:00 am
before the cock crows — and scream “Happy New Month”.
Just for the bragging rights of being first to say it (you’ll be needing new shoulder pads — the old ones are crying for help).
And in your head — perhaps, first to care?
You’re expected to post on your Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp (Status, the-annoying-happy-new-month-broadcast-message).
But not me!
It’s not intentional.
I’ve just become emotionless to them (happy new month, happy new year, etc….).
Do you just say them because your best friend posted it before you or you really mean it?
I didn’t even say it in yesterday’s diary.
How rude of me!! 😡
Well, I did — just not in a regular way.
I hate regular — you can tell by the things I whisper in your ears, every other day?
I hope you have the type of month YOU deserve.