No, you weren’t!
You were counting on me texting first.
Lucky for you — I did.
You’ve either used this “I-was-about-to-text-you” line or it has been used on you?
98.9% of the time—it’s a lie.
You just use it so I’ll think you had me in mind.
Only that — You didn’t!
How about you just hold your lips and say nothing — when I text first?
or better still — thank me for texting first.
It took me getting the hair of a virgin lion, the eye of Godzilla, and Wonder woman’s Lasso of Truth—just to text your I-wasn’t-going-to-text-you-first ass.
Yes, Ella — I beat you to it — because you were hoping I’ll message first. 😉
Share this with someone that waits for you to — text first;
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Lol. So you’re texting Ella. Who is Ella? Hmmm... after you say you’re off the gram. It is well. So when you use that line for me it’s all lies about yiy just about texting me? Now I know.
Guilty!!🙈 I confess to using this line some times 😏. But TBH, there really were few times when it did happen 😅.
But bro we miss you on IG 😩