This relationship is worse than Covid-19. It’s difficult to even breathe here because the hot air feels like hellfire!
What’s worse is, I want out but I feel trapped in a transparent bottle.
I see everyone (apart from me) going about their daily activities.
They don’t see me but I see them.
I can’t continue like this knowing one day I’ll have kids to take care of. I can’t keep living like this!
This relationship is draining me!
I know what you’re thinking but I promise you — it’s not about her.
The breakup I’m talking about here is Sapa-related but I’m officially ending it - right here - right now!
(If you’re wondering what SAPA means, I hope for your “money can’t buy happiness” sake — that you never know).
Barely related;
So, I shared my freelance-job-hunting story with a friend (Busayo).
And said she’ll be back in 4 days and I must have pitched what I can do for people;
So here’s what I can do (and would help me end this toxic relationship with SAPA):
I write some delicious emails. (Tastes like burnt toast bread on bad days and party Jollof on a good day). Like this one you’re reading.
No jokes!!
I have a couple of archives from work for a partner that actual humans opened and read.
If anyone you know needs such service, let them know Tobi exists.
Better still, you can tell them — “Hey I know an amazing writer. He writes some delicious emails”.
Or If you’re not much of a talker you can post the image below on WhatsApp Status/Twitter/IG story or just send it to them privately;
And no! I’m not looking for 2k urgently. This service isn’t cheap!
My introverted-life is high maintenance (from breathing in this hot-Lagos-debit-alert-air, sitting in front of my screens all day trying to reach the end of the internet, and lying to my friends about why I can’t going out with them just so I can be home all day and burn data) — and I have to keep up, you know?
Thanks as you help bring my freelance-career to life.
Don’t let me or Busayo down and if you still insist on knowing what SAPA means — ask me. 😀
If you’re new here, get jollof-write delivered to YOU in bed every week — for FREE:
I want to know what SAPA. See marketing, I didn't notice at first.
Good you have Busayo in your corner. It’s cool to know someone took you seriously and cares for you. I pray that you find what you’re looking for.