Why do you assume I do?
I have to wash my silly dad’s car.
I have to watch Malcom & Marie on Netflix.
I have to reply my diary readers — oh that’s you reading this and hoping I won’t notice you.👀 (Don’t forget to leave me a comment — I love reading and replying them💙).
I have to stare at my clock and watch it tick because it sounds way more interesting than your voice.
On top of that — I still have to listen to my heartbeat to help me remember I’m still alive.
So you see,
I never have time for i-have-your-time-today oblong-faced humans.
You only have my time because your gossip partners have run out of she-cheated-on-her-boyfriend-Twitter-kinda-gist.
We always assume because we have someone’s time — they should have ours too.
Tom Tom — “I have your time today” — is rude AF!
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It’s actually irritating and God knows I don’t have time for things or people like this. I’m quick to zone out.