In my diary some days ago, I shared a secret with you. Which I titled “The things you don’t see”. Remember?
Apart from it being my most viewed diary, it sparked conversations such as this one below.
First of all, I appreciate thoughtful feedbacks like this. Please, keep them coming in.
Secondly, I’m scared of the tag “life coach”. Because a lot of life coaches are in it just to make a living.
I don’t know if it’s a space I want to operate in. I mean, I’m all for telling my stories (my struggles, pains, fears) and teach a lesson from them.
I believe an integral part of life coaching involves the life coach sharing their personal stories (struggles, fears, insecurities, wins, losses). But what do we see today?
I don’t know much but I’ve lived enough to know “human-ness” and “vulnerability” are what easily attract people to a life coach. Not putting up a facade of being an expert at life with some: “7 ways to make your life untouchable” or “50 ways to never feel sad again”.
At this point, you probably understand my annoyance. LOL.
I just want to keep sharing my story publicly and hopefully, people like you get to see yourselves in the story.
Someday maybe I’ll emerge into the life coaching space and change the narrative. For now, I’m just happy being an internet wanderer, sharing his diary with you.
Thank you, Aisha.
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It’s fine to be where you are if that’s where you fit in for now. But do not talk about life coaching just doing things the wrong way and saying you don’t wanna be in the space. What do you do when you realise you have dirty clothes with no clean ones to wear? You make yourself useful by ensuring you clean them up (by hands, machine, or laundromat), at least if at all you want to wear clean clothes. Best thing to do is what you already said- giving yourself time before getting into the space. It’s a good advantage that you have identified the problem. When you get there, do your things differently. You know the lacuna already so bridge it. For now just stick to what your heart says to pursue.
I am a life coach and you know me well to know I’m not a “50 ways to breaking free from sexual immorality” coach- that’s too vague and unfair.
Note: Do learn the diversity of “how and why difference makes a difference”.
This guy